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Download of benchmark set with experimental
cryo-EM density maps

(This page contains the link to download the data of each method for the 51 cases with experimental cryo-EM density maps)

(all models refined by MDFF using models generated by Situs)

MDFF Example
(three representative examples to run MDFF)

(all models refined by Rosetta using models generated by Situs)

(all models generated by MAINMAST based on the sequence and cryo-EM density map)

(all initial full-length models generated by Situs, which are the starting model of Rosetta and MDFF)

(all models generated by DEMO-EM based on the sequence and cryo-EM density map)

Cryo-EM Density Map
(all cryo-EM density maps)

NOTE: Please carefully read explanations on each page or "README.txt" in each folder before using the data.