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MAINMAST data download

This page includes the model created by MAINMAST for each case.


  1. MAINMAST final model--------the final model created by MAINMAST.
  2. Molprobity of final model------the Molprobity score of the MAINMAST final model, which includes the following terms:
    1. Ramachandran outliers---the percentage of residues with Ramachandran outlier.
    2. favored--------------------the percentage Ramachandran favored residues.
    3. Rotamer outliers----------the percentage of residues with rotamer outliers.
    4. C-beta deviations---------the distance from the modeled C-beta position to the expected ideal position calculated from the backbone coordinates.
    5. Clashscore-----------------the number of serious steric overlaps (>0.4Å) per 1000 atoms.
    6. RMS(bonds)---------------the root-mean-square deviations from standard bond lengths.
    7. RMS(angles)---------------the root-mean-square deviations from standard bond angles.
    8. MolProbity score----------the weighted sum of clashes, Ramachandran not-favored and rotamer outliers.