Concerns Regarding Delays with DMFold Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Server

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:36 pm

Concerns Regarding Delays with DMFold Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Server

Post by dongxiaojie »

Dear Dr. Zhang's Lab,
I am writing to inquire about the recent performance issues with the DMFold web server for protein-protein interaction prediction.
Previously, the server provided results promptly, but in recent times, I have experienced significant delays in obtaining predictions. Additionally, email communications to the provided address have also been sluggish.
I would greatly appreciate if you could provide an update on the current status of the server and any known issues or maintenance activities that might be causing these delays. If there are any temporary workarounds or alternative methods to submit jobs, kindly share those as well.
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response and any guidance you can offer regarding this matter.
Best regards,
Posts: 244
Joined: Tue May 04, 2021 5:04 pm

Re: Concerns Regarding Delays with DMFold Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Server

Post by jlspzw »

Dear user,

We are currently suffering a large number of jobs submitted from the user community, which makes our server job delayed than expected. Please let us know your job ID or email used for submission. We are trying to process the server jobs and make them faster; it may take a couple of days.

Best Regards
Wei Zheng
Posts: 244
Joined: Tue May 04, 2021 5:04 pm

Re: Concerns Regarding Delays with DMFold Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Server

Post by jlspzw »

Dear Dongxiaojie,

Please send an email to

Best Regards
Wei Zheng
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:36 pm

Re: Concerns Regarding Delays with DMFold Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Server

Post by dongxiaojie »

Thank you again for your assistance. I appreciate your clarification on this matter.

Best regards,
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