Web display of results

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Moderator: robpearc

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 11, 2022 10:12 pm

Web display of results

Post by JFACELLI »

The results from the server can be displayed using a web application that downloads as a file named "index" that can be used to display the results when they are downloaded locally. Is there a similar HTML application that can be used to build the "index" file for calculations done using the downloaded version of I-TASSER? Or alternatively, why the downloaded version of I-TASSER does not build the "index" file?


Posts: 244
Joined: Tue May 04, 2021 5:04 pm

Re: Web display of results

Post by jlspzw »

Dear user,

Thank you for considering use our package, if you use I-TASSER5.1, there should have one folder file2html in the package, you can check the readme to see how to use this script to build the HTML file. while to use it, you may need the following requirements.

file2html requires Python2.6 or Python2.7. Plase edit configure.py to change
the following variables:
'pymol_exe': location of PyMOL (http://pymol.org) executable
'ITLIB': location of I-TASSER library

The main script for conversion is file2html.py:
"$pkgdir/file2html/file2html.py datadir"

IT team
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