I have installed C-I-Tasser and I-Tasser on my school's HPC. The installation has been successful with a good number of proteins I have submitted. However, certain proteins are consistently failing to yield any predicted models at all while others only output a single model or 3 models when I have set the flag to output 5 models.
What I have noticed is that the failed proteins are normally a little bit larger. For example UNIPROT ID: P50416 with 773 residues and Q96EB6 with 773 residues. Although there are some exceptions, for example P41784 with 80 residues.
What I find odd, is that both C-I-Tasser and I-Tasser are both failing when runing these proteins. I am submitting sbatch script to the SLURM scheduler that looks like the following:
C-I-Tasser example submission:
Code: Select all
#SBATCH --nodes=5
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=28
#SBATCH --mem=0
#SBATCH -D /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT
cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT
srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 bash -c "mkdir P10636 ; scp ./fastas/P10636.fasta ./P10636 ; echo Running P10636 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P10636 ; mv P10636.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P10636.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P10636 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P10636 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit true;" &
srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 bash -c "mkdir P52751 ; scp ./fastas/P52751.fasta ./P52751 ; echo Running P52751 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P52751 ; mv P52751.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P52751.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P52751 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P52751 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit true;" &
srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 bash -c "mkdir P50416 ; scp ./fastas/P50416.fasta ./P50416 ; echo Running P50416 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P50416 ; mv P50416.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P50416.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P50416 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P50416 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit true;" &
srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 bash -c "mkdir P41784 ; scp ./fastas/P41784.fasta ./P41784 ; echo Running P41784 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P41784 ; mv P41784.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P41784.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P41784 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/P41784 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit true;" &
srun --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 bash -c "mkdir O14641 ; scp ./fastas/O14641.fasta ./O14641 ; echo Running O14641 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/O14641 ; mv O14641.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname O14641.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/O14641 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/CIT/O14641 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit true;" &
conda deactivate
Code: Select all
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=28
#SBATCH --mem=125000
#SBATCH -D /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT
cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT
srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 --mem=125000 bash -c "mkdir P10636 ; scp ./fastas/P10636.fasta ./P10636 ; echo Running P10636 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P10636 ; mv P10636.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P10636.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P10636 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P10636 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit false;" &
srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 --mem=125000 bash -c "mkdir P41784 ; scp ./fastas/P41784.fasta ./P41784 ; echo Running P41784 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P41784 ; mv P41784.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P41784.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P41784 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P41784 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit false;" &
srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 --mem=125000 bash -c "mkdir O14641 ; scp ./fastas/O14641.fasta ./O14641 ; echo Running O14641 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/O14641 ; mv O14641.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname O14641.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/O14641 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/O14641 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit false;" &
srun --nodes=1 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=28 --mem=125000 bash -c "mkdir P50416 ; scp ./fastas/P50416.fasta ./P50416 ; echo Running P50416 ; cd /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P50416 ; mv P50416.fasta seq.fasta ; perl /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0/I-TASSERmod/runI-TASSER.pl -pkgdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/C-I-TASSER-1.0 -libdir /home/rpearson/Structure_Prediction_Tools/CIT_Lib -seqname P50416.fasta -datadir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P50416 -outdir /home/rpearson/research/PosValSet/IT/P50416 -runstyle parallel -homoflag benchmark -idcut 0.3 -light true -nmodel 5 -hours 5 -LBS false -EC false -GO false -java_home /usr -cit false;" &
conda deactivate