Job is not complete

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Moderator: robpearc

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Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2022 1:28 am

Job is not complete

Post by Kavisika »

On 14 april, 2022, I have submitted a job on I-TASSER, ID S680633, according to the queue information it would first take 24 hours to complete, than 48 hours,still processing...please help!
Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2021 5:59 pm

Re: Job is not complete

Post by »

According to our system record, job S680633 is already deleted by the user.

Please also note that the estimated queue time is only a very rough approximation. It is very possible that some proteins would take longer than expected, e.g. due to heavy load of the supercomputer cluster. In your case, your protein was in queue for 2 days, which is not terribly long.
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