Regarding the second iteration of the TASSER program in the I-TASSER standalone

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Regarding the second iteration of the TASSER program in the I-TASSER standalone

Post by rupesh »

My query is regarding the downloadable version of I-TASSER. As the name states, a second iteration of TASSER is performed right after the clustering step. While going through the script, I failed to find the exact location where the second iteration is executed. I am curious to know the answer and I'll be grateful if you can indulge my curiosity.
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Re: Regarding the second iteration of the TASSER program in the I-TASSER standalone

Post by »

The second round of simulation is performed by I-TASSERmod/ which is called by line 1915 of I-TASSERmod/
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Joined: Tue May 17, 2022 10:15 am

Re: Regarding the second iteration of the TASSER program in the I-TASSER standalone

Post by rupesh »

Thank you so much!
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