IonCom - Missing Probabilities for Predicted Binding Sites

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IonCom - Missing Probabilities for Predicted Binding Sites

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Could you please let me know how to retrieve the predicted probabilities for the residues of the input sequence?
Here is the link to my job: ... put/12883/

And here is the link to the example output shared on the IonCom tool website, which includes probabilities and other details:

However, when I run the IonCom tool, I only get binding and non-binding sites.

Best regards,
Saladin Alqarghuli
PhD Candidate
University of Missouri
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Example job - probabilities are included.
Example job - probabilities are included.
example job.jpg (162.94 KiB) Viewed 84 times
My job - No prababilities included.
My job - No prababilities included.
My job.jpg (84.76 KiB) Viewed 84 times