- 2022/12/15:
An updated version of I-TASSER,
was ranked as the No. 1 server
in two categories of protein structure predictions
in the 15th CASP experiment,
Multi-domain Targets,
Single-domain Targets, and DMFold (as 'Zheng')
was ranked as the No. 1 predictor
in protein complex structure prediction category
(i.e., Multi-chain Targets).
- 2022/04/13:
A new platform, I-TASSER-MTD,
specifically designed to model structure and function of multi-domain proteins,
was accepted for publication in Nature Protocols.
- 2022/02/08:
CR-I-TASSER couples I-TASSER simulation
with cryo-EM density maps and significantly improves accuracy of protein structure determination;
the article was published in Nature Methods.
- 2021/07/26:
A new version of I-TASSER,
was published in Cell Reports Methods,
which incorporates
deep-learning contact-maps and significantly improve I-TASSER's ability in modeling
non-homologous proteins.
- 2020/12/01:
I-TASSER (as 'Zhang-Server') was ranked as the No. 1 protein structure prediction server in the
CASP experiment.
- 2020/09/16:
I-TASSER was awarded a new computing resource grant from
to support the on-line server simulations for protein structure and function modeling.
- 2020/01/31:
Structure models by C-I-TASSER
for all proteins in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, a new coronavirus causing the COVID-19 pandemic,
are now available at
- 2019/08/01:
I-TASSER received
a new NSF III award
for developing new method for structure-based protein function prediction.
- 2018/11/30:
I-TASSER (as 'Zhang-Server') and QUARK were ranked as
the top two servers in
community-wide CASP experiment
for automated protein 3D structure prediction;
this is the 7th time that I-TASSER was ranked as
the top server in the experiment since 2006.
- 2018/11/23: The
second I-TASSER Workshop (I-TASSER 2018) was held on November 23-25, 2018, at Hangzhou, China.
- 2018/09/15:
I-TASSER was awarded a total amount of 18,197,793 service units (SUs) by
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE),
where 10,000,000 SUs will be devoted for on-line protein structure and function modeling simulations
and 8,197,793 SUs (plus 186,749 GPU units and 5,031 TB storage)
for the I-TASSER based method developments.
- 2017/09/30:
I-TASSER was invited to present Webinar in the
Science Gateways Community Institute (by Chengxin Zhang).
- 2017/09/14:
I-TASSER received a new award of 12,357,000 service units (SUs) from the NSF-funded
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE),
where 10,000,000 SUs will be used for running simulations for the on-line server job submission
and 2,357,000 SUs (plus 180,000 GPU units) for the I-TASSER method training and development.
- 2017/03/15:
The first I-TASSER Workshop was held on March 15th,
2017, at Greensboro, North Carolina.
- 2017/03/10:
I-TASSER V5.1 was released!
Read Whatisnew5.1.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V5.1 compared to the previous versions.
- 2017/02/02:
I-TASSER was highlighted in the XSEDE Science Gateway News:
SDSC’s ‘Comet’ Supercomputer Surpasses ‘10,000 Users’ Milestone.
- 2016/12/15:
The I-TASSER server (as 'Zhang-Server') was ranked at the top position in the
12th community-wide CASP experiment for automated protein structure prediction, where
another method of Zhang Lab designed for ab initio structure modeling, was ranked at the
second position (see
results at CASP website).
- 2016/11/01:
I-TASSER pipeline was immigrated to the
to speed up the on-line server calculations.
- 2016/09/30:
I-TASSER was awarded 7,000,000 service units (SUs) by the
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE)
for method development and on-line server calculation.
- 2016/06/21:
I-TASSER V5.0 was released!
Read Whatisnew5.0.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V5.0 compared to the previous versions.
- 2015/09/03:
I-TASSER V4.4 was released!
Read Whatisnew4.4.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V4.4 compared to the previous versions.
- 2015/03/15:
I-TASSER V4.3 was released!
Read Whatisnew4.3.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V4.3 compared to the previous versions.
- 2015/02/11:
A new webpage (http://zhanglab.dcmb.med.umich.edu/I-TASSER/annotation/)
is launched for helping users to annotate the results of the I-TASSER server
- 2015/01/08:
COACH was integrated into I-TASSER server to provide meta-server
based consensus ligand-binding site prediction.
COACH was ranked the NO 1 method for ligand-binding site prediction in
the community-wide CAMEO-LB experiment.
- 2014/12/15:
A new option was added to the I-TASSER server which allows users to specify secondary structure for any specific residues.
- 2014/12/10:
The I-TASSER server (together with another Zhang-Lab method, QUARK)
were ranked at the top 2 positions the
11th CASP experiment for automated protein structure prediction.
- 2014/10/27:
I-TASSER V4.2 was released!
Read Whatisnew4.2.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V4.2 compared to the previous versions.
- 2014/08/14:
I-TASSER V4.1 was released!
Read Whatisnew4.1.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V4.1 compared to the previous versions.
- 2014/06/18:
I-TASSER V4.0 was released!
Read Whatisnew4.0.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V4.0 compared to the previous versions.
- 2014/06/09:
New development on residue-specific local-structure accuracy and B-factor estimations
was included in the I-TASSER pipeline. This new feature allows users to track the error
and fluctuation of each residue in the I-TASSER modeling and make a better use of the
I-TASSER models.
- 2014/01/24:
I-TASSER V3.0 is released!
Read Whatisnew3.0.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V3.0 compared to the previous versions.
- 2014/01/07:
A new version of structure refinement program is exploited in I-TASSER
server to improve the model quality of big loops and
other unaliged or disordered regions.
- 2013/08/09:
Five new threading programs were
incorporated into the I-TASSER server to enhance the efficiency of
template identification.
- 2013/07/22:
A new version of I-TASSER, named
with user-friendly interfaces was developed and released by DNASTAR.
- 2013/05/04:
A bug of incomplete array transfer in the I-TASSER program was fixed.
- 2013/04/09:
A new strategy was introduced to select the first models based on
consensus with the threading alignments. This stretagy increases the
accuracy of the first models by ~40% for the targets which have the
first models inconsistent with threading.
- 2013/02/25:
A link was added at each output page to allow users to download all modeling
results in a tarball file.
- 2013/02/14:
I-TASSER Server updated the strategy for modeling big proteins.
This strategy fixes a problem that minority templates with a longer
alignment length may dominate the assembly simulations.
- 2013/12/12:
The I-TASSER server (together with another Zhang-Lab method, QUARK)
were ranked at the top 2 positions the
10th CASP experiment for automated protein structure prediction.
- 2012/10/23:
I-TASSER V2.1 is released with bugs in former versions fixed (check details in
- 2012/09/20:
I-TASSER V2.0 is released! Read Whatisnew2.0.txt
to check the new features added to I-TASSER V2.0 compared to I-TASSER V1.0.
- 2012/06/06:
Protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interaction predictions was added to I-TASSER
for structure-based function annotations.
- 2012/04/18:
The I-TASSER server had the 1,000,000th protein modelled (Congratulations!). Click
here to see the most recent statistics.
- 2011/11/03:
The I-TASSER Video was published at the JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments.
- 2011/10/15:
Visualization was enabled for the top 10 proteins analogous to the
I-TASSER models and for the enzyme commission predictions.
- 2011/10/09:
The function homology search was extended
to the entire PDB library. This helps increase the coverage and
accuracy of the structure-based function of the I-TASSER server.
- 2011/08/01:
The I-TASSER server had the 20,000th user registered (Congratulations!).
- 2011/03/28:
The first version of the I-TASSER Suite (Version 1.1) was publicly released
for download and installation. It is free for academic and non-profit
- 2011/02/25:
The first beta-version of the I-TASSER standalone package
was ready for download and test.
- 2011/02/22:
A new message board was set up for the I-TASSER related Q&A discussions.
- 2010/12/20:
A new program, COFACTOR, was used for the structure-based protein function
predictions on ligand-binding site, enzyme number, and gene-ontology.
COFACTOR was ranked as the best method for function prediction in the
CASP9 experiment (Congratulations!).
- 2010/12/19:
A new Java-base viewer, Jmol, was used to display predicted models
and ligand-binding sites.
- 2010/11/18:
Solvent accessibility predictions were shown in the modeling result page.
- 2010/07/20:
A new option was added to allow users exclude specific proteins from
the I-TASSER template library.
- 2010/01/12:
The I-TASSER server was moved from the University of Kansas to
the University of Michigan Medical School. The new supercomputer cluster
at UM provides help in significant speeding up the I-TASSER modeling procedure.
- 2009/11/15:
Fragment Guided Molecular Dynamic simulations (FG-MD) were implemented on
I-TASSER models for steric clashes removal and local structure refinement.
- 2009/10/17:
A timer was added to the
Queue page to allow users track the implementation time of their
targets. A number of other changes were made in the Queue page for
improving the efficiency of retrieving I-TASSER output data.
- 2009/10/15:
A new interface
was added to allow users to search targets
and predictions through the I-TASSER database.
- 2009/07/20:
Added features to allow users to assign external restraints
to guide the I-TASSER structural modeling. The user-specified information
- Residue-residue contact/distance information
- Specific template structures and alignments
More details can be found at
How to Add Restraints to I-TASSER Modeling.
- 2009/03/16:
Structure-based function predictions were developed
based on the global and local match of the predicted 3D models with
the known homolog and analog proteins. The function predictions
include ligand binding site, enzyme commission, and gene ontology.
- 2009/01/10:
Two new predictions were added in the output page:
- Initial threading templates identified by
- Structural analogs of the I-TASSER models in the PDB library identified by